Portfolios > If Animals Could Tweet...

A fearful rabbit positioned with its eye at the center of the target for animal testing
Acrylic and oil crayon on canvas
24" x 24"
Big, ugly steer, not looking very tasty, with EAT ME ? written on the blood red background.  Two crows are picking at a hamburger at his feet
Acrylic and oil crayon on wood
48 x 48
Baby elephant, orphaned by poachers? Aqua and pink background with collaged border
Acrylic and collaged paper on Canvas
24 x 30

“If Animals Could Tweet...” is a series I began about the time our Tweeter-in-Chief was coming to political prominence. It occurred to me that although animals have many people who advocate for them, they cannot speak for themselves, certainly not in the political realm. Which led to the question, if animals had the same platform, could they be as effective at swaying public opinion on their own behalf? If animals could tweet, what would they say? It would probably be far more direct than what I’ve imagined!

With this series the personal and political have come together. As a vegan, the ethical treatment of animals is something I deeply support. My aim is to nudge people to see things from the animal’s point of view, for people to take off their blinders, to become conscious of the realities of the choices they make every day.